User or Organisational Posts in Timeline

Creating a Post

  • The Registered user is on his/her timeline page and can see the Write a Post section
  • Here, he can write a text and save.
  • To add an image, the User can select an image he wants to share and save
  • Similarly, the User can also select a link / video that he wanted to publish and save with the respective options available in the section.

Deleting a Post

  • Log in to
  • Select Delete a post from the timeline
  • You will be asked for confirmation
  • Select yes and the post will be deleted.

Adding, Editing and Deleting comments for a Post

To add a comment, 

  • Login to and select the post to which you wanted to comment. 
  • In the Text field below each post, you can type comments as text/ add emoticons 
  • Select the Enter button 
  • And the Comment is posted.

For deleting a comment, 

  • the user selects the Delete option by clicking the three dots near his comment on a post
  • He will be asked for confirmation
  • Select yes and the comment will be deleted

Note: A user cannot comment on a post in another user’s post he is not following. Also, he can only delete the comments posted by him.

Sharing a Post

Registered user is on his timeline page or on another profile page 

  • Clicks Share button
  • User is prompted with options to share the post on his timelines or an organisational timeline (which he is part of).

Similarly, to share a project the Registered user goes to the Project page 

  • Clicks Share button 
  • He is prompted with options to share the project on own timeline or organisational timeline you are part of .

Will I be able to delete others posts?

No, you will be able to delete the posts only created by you.