- Login to your syne.com account using your email address and password
- Select Create Project
- Select the Project Type
- You will be prompted to enter
- Project details
- Campaign Title
- Select the Campaign Category from given list
- Short Description / Detailed Description
- Media links/images in the text description can be included
- Campaign Icon / Cover image
- Start Date and End Date
- Campaign Public URL (https://www.syne.com/ProjectName). System validates the URL for stability which should have only letters/ numbers with max character restrictions.
- Location (City and Country)
- Support Goal (Number of supporters)
- Campaign Media (Add multiple images, video links, PDF documents)
- Select Publish and the project should be available as a live project in the Platform.
For saving a Project as Draft
When a user selects Create Project to Save as Draft, the project is saved into the user’s project list as a Draft project.
For publishing a Saved Project
- From Projects list user to select Draft Project
- Selects Publish
- Project is then published and available as a live project in the Platform.
Note: Once a Project is published, the project URL, Project Type, Project Category, Project Title, Start Date and End Date, Location and Goal Amount would be locked and would be non-editable.