- Login to registered account
- Select Create Organisation
- Enter the following details (*denotes mandatory fields)
- Organisation Name *
- Tag Line
- Organisation Description
- Organisational Type *
- Organisational Category *
- Organisation Size *
- Primary Location *
- Organisation Website
- SYNE Organisation URL *
- Save the above
- System creates Organisation with a 12 digit unique alpha numeric Organisational ID
- Then the system navigates the user to the created Organisation page.
For Updates/ Edit an Organisation
- Login
- Select Organisation created
- Selects Edit ; update the following details (*denotes mandatory fields)
- Organisation Name *
- Tag Line
- Organisation Description
- Organisational Type *
- Organisational Category *
- Organisation Size *
- Primary Location *
- Organisation Website
Once Save is selected the system should update the organisation details in the system.
For Deletion
- Registered user selects an organisation created by him
- Select Delete.
- System to validate projects (active or previous) related to the organisation
- If No related projects, system to prompt user before deletion with – Yes /No
- System should delete the project from the system.