Create a Story
- Login to
- Select Stories
- You will get an option to add the below details
- Title
- Sub-Title
- Story Content (will include text, image, video and links)
- Featured Image
- Created User/Organisation
- Created Date and Time
- Save
For Edit –
- Login to
- Select the stories session and select the story you want to update from the list
- You will get an option to add the below details
- Title
- Sub-Title
- Story Content (will include text, image, video and links)
- Featured Image
- Save
For Delete –
- Login to
- Select the stories session and select the story you want to delete from the list
- You will be asked for confirmation
Select Yes and your story will be deleted.
Sharing a story in Timeline
- Registered user is on a story page
- Clicks Share button
- User is prompted with options to share the post on his timelines/ organisational timeline (which he is part of).
View stories by a user or an organisation
- Login to
- Select another user and Stories by that user
- The selected story can be viewed